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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:

It was very helpful.
Johnson, NY

I ordered the software late one night when my daughter was having problems in her honors algebra class. It had been many years since I have had algebra and parts of it made sense but I couldn't quite grasp how to help her. After we ordered your software she was able to see step by step how to solve the problems. Your software definitely saved the day.
Brian Clapman, WI

I do not have any issues. I just wanted to let you know that I am glad I purchased your product. I also appreciate the updates as they not only make for a better looking product, but things seem to be more user friendly now.
Maria Lopez, CA

Algebrator is simply amazing. Who knew that such an inexpensive program would make my sons grades improve so much.
J.V., Maryland

OK here is what I like: much friendlier interface, coverage of functions, trig. better graphing, wizards. However, still no word problems, pre-calc, calc. (Please tell me that you are working on it - who is going to do my homework when I am past College Algebra?!?
Alex Starke, OR

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