I think God would have been in a really bad mood that he came up with something called math to trouble us! I’ve spent days working on this math problem which relates to solving logarithms equations and I still can’t solve it. I’m particularly having problems with radical inequalities, slope and graphing. Can anyone show me the way on how to go about finding a solution to such problems? I’ve tried all ways that I could think of, but none helped. I need some urgent help now. Anybody?
I have a good recommendation that could help you with math . You simply need a good software to make clear the problems that are complicated. You don't need a tutor , because firstly it's very costly , and on the other hand you won't have it near you whenever you need help. A program is better because you only have to purchase it once, and it's yours for all time. I advice you to try Algebrator, because it's the best. Since it can solve almost any math problems , you will probably use it for a very long time, just like I did. I purchased it years ago when I was in Pre Algebra, but I still use it quite often.
Algebrator is the perfect algebra tool to help you with homeworks . It covers everything you need to be familiar with in sum of cubes in an easy and comprehensive way . algebra had never been easy for me to grasp but this product made it very easy to learn. The logical and step-by–step method to problem solving is really a boon and soon you will find that you love solving problems.
Friends , Thanks a lot for the responses that you have given . I just had a look at the Algebrator available at: https://pocketmath.net/scientific-notation.html. The interesting part that I liked was the pay back guarantee that they are offering there. I went ahead and bought Algebrator. It is really user friendly and proves to be a noteworthy tool for Basic Math.