Hello folks ! I have a serious issue regarding algebra and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me out in some way . I have a algebra test pretty soon and even though I have been studying algebra seriously, there are still a few items that cause a lot of headache , such as examples of word radical equations and perpendicular lines especially. Last week I had a meeting with a math teacher, but many things still remain unclear to me. Can you propose a good way of studying or a good private teacher that you know already?
Hi friend , I was in a similar situation a couple of weeks ago and my sister recommended me to have a look at this site, https://pocketmath.net/solving-nonlinear-equations-by-factoring.html. Algebrator was really useful since it gave all the basics that I needed to work out my homework problem in College Algebra. Just have a look at it and let me know if you need further details on Algebrator so that I can render assistance on Algebrator based on the knowledge that I have now .
A great piece of algebra software is Algebrator. Even I faced similar problems while solving greatest common factor, adding functions and angle complements. Just by typing in the problem workbookand clicking on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework would be ready. I have used it through several algebra classes - Pre Algebra, College Algebra and College Algebra. I highly recommend the program.