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Linear Equations

Different y-intercepts and Zero Slope

Example 1 - Different y-intercepts

y = ½x + 1
x y
0 1
1 1½
2 2
3 2½
4 3


y = ½x + 3
x y
0 3
1 3½
2 4
3 4½
4 5


Notice that changes to b (y- intercept) will raise or lower the line. Lines with the same slope are always parallel - they never cross or intersect.

Example 2 - Zero slope

y = 3

x y
0 3
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3

The equation y = 3 can also be written as y = 0x + 3. This has a slope of zero, and results in a horizontal line on the graph.

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