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Signs of Products or Quotients of Signed Numbers

Very briefly, we state the familiar rule here:

(+) times (+) gives (+) (+) divided by (+) gives (+)
(+) times (-) gives (-) (+) divided by (-) gives (-)
(-) times (+) gives (-) (-) divided by (+) gives (-)
(-) times (-) gives (+) (-) divided by (-) gives (+)

So, when multiplying two numbers, or when dividing one number by a second number,

the result is positive if both numbers have the same sign

the result is negative if the two numbers have opposite signs.

So, for example:

(+2) × (+3) = +6

(+2) × (-3) = -6

(-2) × (+3) = -6

(-2) × (-3) = +6


(+6) divided by (+2) gives +3

(+6) divided by (-2) gives -3

(-6) divided by (+2) gives -3

(-6) divided by (-2) gives +3


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